WPI Social Implications Of Computing
Course Documents
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Up: Assignments ]

The Syllabus lists all specific due dates. In general:

  • Individual presentations due 24 hours before the class you will present.
    • Submit on Canvas.
  • Papers
    • Draft due first class after assigned.
    • Be prepared to share your conclusion and discuss in first class after assigned.
    • Final version due second class after assigned.
    • Submit on Canvas.
    • See Syllabus for Optional paper due dates
  • All other assignments due next class.
  • Turn work in on time. Please speak to me about options if you believe you cannot.
  • You are responsible for the assigned reading material on the day listed in the Syllabus.

Academic dishonesty does not help you get educational value. Please speak to me if you are having diffculty with the course.

90 points (not counting extra credit) guarantees an A. Otherwise your final grade will be scaled. The scale can only improve your final grade.

14 classes Points Description
Discussion 28
+2 points per class for discussion
Can be augmented with Canvas Discussion Board contributions

Please be part of discussion in each class.

Individual Presentation 10 Present a topic of special interest to you in class and lead class discussions.
+6 points - Quality of material prepared for presentation
+2 points - Presenting in class
+2 points - Answering questions and reply to counter points raised
	during discussion

Slides and other presentation materials due 24 hours before class.

Group Project 35 Details of point breakdown will be found with project details.
Papers 32 4 single page papers at 8 points each.
+1 point - Turn in sincere effort 
+1 point - Clearly state conclusion.
+3 point - Provide logical argument for conclusion.
+1 point - State possible counter point.
+1 point - Respond to counter point.
+1 point - Use 5 high quality references.

There will be 2 optional papers. The 4 highest paper grades will be used to determine your final grade.

Extra Credit

Maximum improvement: 1 letter grade
2 Attend (in person or remotely) live event/talk and write 1 page paper. Events eligible for extra credit will be announced on Canvas.

Papers due by beginning of next class or 2 days after event, which ever is later.

1 Identify extra credit opportunity.
Requires you complete the extra credit assignment.
2 Watch "The Mother of All Demos" and write 1 page paper.
Paper should follow same format as all class papers

Due before last class.

1-2 Contribute material to class slides in the form of fact finding, relevant comics, illustrations, graphs, etc.
1 Post in the Interesting Articles Discussion Board on Canvas including a paragrah or more on your thoughts, a conclusion, and/or a critique of the article.

Grading policy is subject to change.

Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: March 14, 2025 9:52 AM
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