WPI Social Implications Of Computing
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--- Reference Guidelines ---

Do NOT include any classified material in your work. 
Just because you found it online does not mean it is 
legal to view or distribute.

Use endnotes for references:

An example of referencing a Book in the text of your paper [1].
An example of referencing a Web Page [2].
An example for everything else. [3].

1. Author, Title (Publisher, Date), Page
2. Author, Title, (Publisher, Date), URL (Access Date)
3. Use any reasonable reference guidelines for citing other works

URL references should always include the date you accessed them.
Things on the web change frequently.

For more guidance see:

Encyclopedias and your text book are not primary sources. 

Beware of sources published without an editorial or peer review process like:

Library Resources

- "Meet with a Librarian" link to schedule an appointment
- "Chat with Us" link 

Computer Science Databases: 
Librarian recommend: ACM Digital Library, IEEEXplore, and Scopus

WPI Library Search (catalog to look for books and more)
- use FACETS on left to drill down to books

Guide to Citation Managers (like RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero):

Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: August 21, 2022 6:30 PM
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