--- Paper Guidelines ---
All papers due the following class.
Hard copy of paper due at beginning of class.
Try to print 2 sided and save a tree.
Homework will not be accepted after 10 minutes past the start of class.
Use the paper template available in the Assignments section of this site.
Do NOT include any classified material in your papers. Just because you
found it online does not mean it is legal to view or distribute.
Maximum of one page may be turned in, not counting references or appendices.
If you find yourself exceeding one page, try removing any repetition and
adjectives; we want the meat of your argument, not fluff.
Steps for writing papers:
1. Research topic, keep sources and notes
2. Decide your conclusion
3. Outline logical argument, do additional research as needed
4. Write paper including 5 high quality sources
4.1 One per argument statement, counter point, and counter point response
Use endnotes for references:
An example of referencing a Book in the text of your paper [1].
An example of referencing a Web Page [2].
An example for everything else. [3].
1. Author, Title (Publisher, Date), Page
2. Author, Title, URL (Access Date)
3. Use any reasonable reference guidelines for citing other works
Encyclopedias are not primary sources.
Example Paper Outline and Grading Rubric
Name Paper Topic
State Conclusion (1 pt)
State Argument (3 pt)
State Counter Point (1 pt)
State Response to Counter Point (1 pt)
References (1 pt)
Turning in sincere effort (1 pt)
----- General Writing Tips -----
- Adverse and Averse
"Adverse" means harmful, unfavorable:
"Adverse performance on my assignments caused me to earn a poor grade."
"Averse" refers to feelings of dislike or opposition:
"I was averse to doing all the work required to earn a good grade."
- Affect and Effect as Verbs
"Affect" means to influence:
"Preparing my presentation at the last minute adversely affected my grade."
"Effect" means to accomplish something:
"My group effected a clear and powerful presentation."
- Affect and Effect as Nouns
"Effect" is almost always correct:
"Do not forget your personal effects when leaving class."
"Affect" refers to an emotional state, you have little reason to use it.
- Bring and Take
You bring things "here" and you "take" them there.
You ask people to "bring" something to you, and you ask people to "take"
something to someone or somewhere else.
- Compliment and Complement
"Compliment" means to say something nice.
"Complement" means to add to, enhance, improve, complete, or bring close to perfection.
"I complimented the instructor on how he used class time to effectively
complement the text book material."
- Criteria and Criterion
One "criterion", two or more "criteria".
- Discreet and Discrete
"Discreet" means careful, cautious, showing good judgment:
"I made discreet suggestions on how the instructor could improve the course."
"Discrete" means individual, separate, or distinct:
"I provided a list of several discrete ways the instructor could improve the course."
- Elicit and Illicit
"Elicit" means to draw out or coax. "Illicit" means illegal.
- Farther and Further
"Farther" involves a physical distance:
"The end of the term is farther than the beginning."
"Further" involves a figurative distance:
"We can take this ethical debate no further."
- Number and Amount
Use "number" when you can count what you refer to:
"The number of assignments required for this class is staggering.
"Amount" refers to a quantity of something that can't be counted:
"The amount of work required for this class is staggering."
- Fewer and Less
Use "fewer" for things you can count, "fewer hours" or "fewer dollars."
Use "less" things you can't or didn't count, "less time" or "less money."
- Imply and Infer
The speaker or writer "implies" or suggests.
The listener or reader "infers" or deduces, correctly or not.
I might imply you're going to receive a good grade. And you might infer that a
good grade is assured even if you bomb the group project, much to your
- Insure and Ensure
"Insure" refers to insurance. "Ensure" means to make sure.
- Irregardless and Regardless
Just use regardless.
- Precede and Proceed
"Precede" means to come before. "Proceed" means to begin or continue.
- Principal and Principle
A "principle" is a fundamental, referring to laws, rules, guidelines, ethics, etc.:
"Society is based on a set of shared principles."
"Principal" means primary or of first importance, referring to the CEO,
president, or individual in charge of a high school:
"Our principal engineers really know their stuff."
"Principal" can also refer to the most important item in a particular set:
"Our principal assignment accounts for 40% of our grade."
"Principal" can also refer to a sum of money.
- Slander and Libel
Slander is spoken. Libel is written and published.
Both are harmful and untruthful.
- It's and Its
"It's" is the contraction of "it is".
Try un-contracting the word, turn "it's" into "it is":
"It's D Term," becomes, "It is D Term."
"Its" specifies ownership.
- They're and Their
"They're" is the contraction for "they are".
"Their" specifies ownership.
- Who's and Whose
"Who's" is the contraction for "Who is".
"Whose" specifies ownership.
- You're and Your
"You're" is the contraction of "you are".
"Your" specifies ownership.
- Mr. Yankovic sums it up nicely: Word Crimes