WPI Social Implications Of Computing
Course Documents
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2016 A Term Archive

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Date Topics Due Presenters
Critical Thinking
Guest Speaker
1. Chapter 1 - Catalysts for Change
Interview at end of chapter
2. Appendix A - Plagiarism
3. Discussion Board: Movies
4. Sign up for individual presentation
1. Laura Robinson - WPI Librarian
Ethics 1. Chapter 2 - Introduction to Ethics
Interview at end of chapter
2. Paper 1: Technology
3. Wiki: Technology Timeline
Freedom of Speech 1. Chapter 3 - Networked Communications
Interview at end of chapter
1. Hugh Whelan - Scientology vs. Dennis Elrich
2. Tom Farro - Avatar Interactions
3. Alex Huot - Anti-Social Social Norms
Intellectual Property
Guest Speaker
1. Chapter 4 - Intellectual Property
SKIP Interview at end of chapter
2. Prepare questions for guest speaker
0. Frank Gerratana - IP Lawyer
1. Isamu Nakagawa - Magnus Case Study
2. Alex Ruggiero - 3D Model Files Case Study
3. Aditya Nivarthi - Protect Software Or Not
Privacy 1. Chapter 5 - Information Privacy
Interview at end of chapter
2. Paper 2: Self Search
1. Ryan Orlando - Targeted Ads
2. Ziyao Xu - China Real-Name System
3. James Piatt - Government Hacking
Privacy 1. Chapter 6 - Privacy and the Government
Interview at end of chapter
2. Paper 3: National ID
1. Charlie Sinkler - Right to be Forgotten
2. Hugh Whelan - Government Encryption Backdoor Case Study
3. Logan Tutt - Automated Law Enforcement
Crime 1. Chapter 7 - Computer and Network Security
Interview at end of chapter
2. Group Project web site progress through topics covered in class to date.
1. Derek McMaster - Cryptowall
2. Matt Micciolo - Car Hacking
3. Alora Hillman - Robotic Crime
Errors Failures Risks
Guest Speaker
1. Chapter 8 - Computer Reliability
Interview at end of chapter
2. Paper 4: Code Testing
0. Brannen Hough - Patriot Missile Engineer
1. Nick Bradford - Autonomous Car Technology Shaping Safety Laws
2. Kevin Valente-Comas - Misuse of Medical Robots
3. Annie Hernandez - HW/SW Abstraction Risk and Trust
Professional Ethics 1. Chapter 9 - Professional Ethics
Interview at end of chapter
2. Paper 5: Game ACM SWE Code of Ethics
1. Tim Petri - Bug Hunters
2. Matt Suarez - Virtual Reality Violence
3. Dmytro Bogatov - Open Source, Every Developer Should
Work 1. Chapter 10 - Work and Wealth
Interview at end of chapter
2. Group Presentation Draft
1. Jacob Hackett - Automation Induced Unemployment Solution
2. Mead Landis - Human Robots
3. Joseph Fainer - App Economy
Group Presentations
1. Cryptocurrency - Bogatov, Bradford, Nakagawa, Petri
2. Gene and Cell Manipulation - Hernandez, Hillman, Jacques, Nivarthi
3. Internet of NanoThings - Micciolo, Piatt, Valente-Comas, Xu
Group Presentations 1. Autonomous Vehicle Machine Learning - Fainer, Farro, Hackett, Huot
2. Surveillance Drones - McMaster, Orlando, Suarez, Whelan
3. Virtual Reality - Landis, Ruggiero, Sinkler, Tutt
- Student Topic Choice
- Rain Date: IP Guest Speaker
- Rain Date: Errors, Failures, Risks Guest Speaker
Group Evaluations
Optional Paper:
1. Rene Jacques - AI vs. Humanity

The Syllabus will change throughout the course as new interests are found and as material is covered ahead or behind schedule. Changes will be made in class and recorded in the class slides. You will be responsible for the material in the assigned reading.

If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you have medical information to share with me, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible.

If you have not already done so, students with disabilities, who believe that they may need accommodations in this class, are encouraged to contact the Disability Services Office (DSO), as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. The DSO is located in the Student Development and Counseling Center, (508) 831-4908.

Located on the first floor of Daniels Hall (room 116), the Writing Center is a valuable resource for helping you improve as a writer. Writing Center tutors are your peers (other undergraduate and graduate students at WPI) who are experienced writers themselves and who enjoy helping others work through thinking and writing problems. Although a single tutoring session should never be seen as a quick fix for any writing difficulty, these sessions can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and teach you strategies for organizing, revising, and editing your course papers, projects, and presentations. Writing Center services are free and open to all WPI students in all classes, and tutors will happily work with you at any stage of the writing process (early brainstorming, revising a draft, polishing sentences in a final draft). Visit the Writing Center website wpi.edu/+writing to make an appointment.

Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: March 5, 2017 9:41 PM
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