WPI Social Implications Of Computing
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2015 A Term Grading

[ Intro ]

Up: 2015 A Term Assignments ]

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in any form.

You must submit every paper and the group project to pass the class.

If you have an average >= 90% you will be assured an A. Otherwise your final grade will be scaled.

14 classes Points Weight Description Due
Class Discussion 28 28%
+2 points per class for discussion
Please participate in each class.
Present In Class 10 10% Present a topic of special interest to you in class and lead class discussions.
+4 points - Quality of material prepared for presentation
+4 points - Presenting in class
+2 points - Answering questions and reply to counter points raised
	during discussion
Slides and other presentation materials due 24 hours before class.
Group Project 25 25% Details of point breakdown will be found with project details. Due second to last day of class
Papers 40 40% Estimated 6 single page papers at 8 points each. The lowest paper grade will be dropped.
+1 point - Turn in sincere effort 
+1 point - Clearly state conclusion.
+3 point - Provide logical argument for conclusion.
+1 point - State possible counter point.
+1 point - Respond to counter point.
+1 point - Use 5 high quality references.
-1 point - May be deducted for poor writing quality.
Due by beginning of next class.
Extra Credit 10 I hope to give 15 extra credit opportunities during the course worth 1-2 points each. The weight will depend on what those opportunities end up being. These often take the form of attending a talk on campus and writing a 1 page paper. Due by beginning of next class with minimum of 48 hours.
1 Identify extra credit opportunity.
Requires you complete the extra credit assignment.
Due as opportunity allows.
2 Watch "The Mother of All Demos" and write 1 page paper.
Paper should follow same format as all class papers
Due before last class.
1-2 Contribute material to class slides in the form of fact finding, relvant comics, illustrations, graphs, etc. Due as opportunity allows.
1 Post in the Interesting Articles Discussion Board on myWPI including a paragrah or more on your thoughts, a conclusion, a critique of the article. Due as opportunity allows.

Grading policy is subject to change.

Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: March 5, 2017 9:16 PM
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