WPI Social Implications Of Computing
Course Documents
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[ Intro ]

Up: Assignments ]

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in any form.

You must submit every paper and the group project to pass the class.

If you have an average >= 90% you will be assured an A. Otherwise your final grade will be scaled.

14 classes Points Weight Description Due
Class Discussion 28 28%
+2 points per class for discussion
Please participate in each class.
Present In Class 10 10% Present a topic of special interest to you in class and lead class discussions.
+4 points - Quality of material prepared for presentation
+4 points - Presenting in class
+2 points - Answering questions and reply to counter points raised
	during discussion
Slides and other presentation materials due 24 hours before class.
Group Project 25 25% Details of point breakdown will be found with project details. Due second to last day of class
Papers 40 40% Estimated 6 single page papers at 8 points each. The lowest paper grade will be dropped.
+1 point - Turn in sincere effort 
+1 point - Clearly state conclusion.
+3 point - Provide logical argument for conclusion.
+1 point - State possible counter point.
+1 point - Respond to counter point.
+1 point - Use 5 high quality references.
-1 point - May be deducted for poor writing quality.
Due by beginning of next class.
Extra Credit 10 ? I hope to give 15 extra credit opportunities during the course worth 1-2 points each. The weight will depend on what those opportunities end up being. Due by beginning of next class with minimum of 48 hours.

Grading policy is subject to change.

Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: February 28, 2015 10:43 PM
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