WPI Social Implications Of Computing
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2015 D Term Archive

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Date Topics Due Presenters
Critical Thinking
Guest Speaker
1. Chapter 1 - Catalysts for Change
2. Appendix A - Plagiarism
3. Discussion Board: Movies
1. Laura Hanlan - WPI Librarian
Ethics 1. Chapter 2 - Introduction to Ethics
2. Paper 1: Technology
3. Wiki: Technology Timeline
Freedom of Speech 1. Chapter 3 - Networked Communications
2. Sign up for individual presentation
11 AM Section
1. Arthur Lockman - Anger, Viral Media, and Clickbait
3 PM Section
Intellectual Property
Guest Speaker
1. Chapter 4 - Intellectual Property
2. Paper 2: Open Source Software Engineering Tools
0. Frank Gerratana - IP Lawyer
11 AM Section
1. Peerapat Luxsuwong - Copyright Influence on OS Evolution
3 PM Section
1. Meagan Hiatt - Bioinformational System Challenges
Privacy 1. Chapter 5 - Information Privacy
2. Paper 3: Self Search
11 AM Section
1. Robert Edwards - Wanna Cookie?
2. Mike Andrews - Why Use Facebook?
3. Will Spurgeon - Reimbursement for Monetized Personal Data
3 PM Section
1. Josh Morse - Facebook Tracking
2. Chris Hanna - Gaming Privacy
3. Sam Mailand - Google Tracking
Privacy 1. Chapter 6 - Privacy and the Government
2. Paper 4: National ID
11 AM Section
1. Paul Roberts - For Good or Bad, TOR
2. Dimitar Vouldjeff - The Right to be Forgotten: US - EU Differences
3. Yan Yan - Legality of Targeted Online Advertising in Recent Practice
3 PM Section
1. Kerrin Spinney - The Cloud
2. Yifan Zhao - Medical Information Systems
3. Josh Hebert - The Right to Encrypt
Crime 1. Chapter 7 - Computer and Network Security
2. Group Project web site progress through topics covered in class to date.
11 AM Section
1. Yuan (Will) Wen - Identity Theft Aftermath
2. Jun Liang - Air-Gap Hacking
3. Hai Nguyen - Man in The Middle
3 PM Section
1. Thomas Grimshaw - Small Businesses Hacked
2. Anthony Romeo - Password Security
3. Matt Beardsley - Internet of Things Security
4. Connor Porell - Heartbleed Fallout
Errors Failures Risks
Guest Speaker
1. Chapter 8 - Computer Reliability
2. Paper 5: Code Testing
0. Brannen Hough - Patriot Missile Engineer
11 AM Section
1. Fangming Ning - Measuring Reliability
2. Saraf Rahman - Medical Robots
3. Ethan Prihar - Avoiding Nuclear Powerplant Meltdowns
3 PM Section
1. Sam La - Stock Market Simulation
2. Jonathan Leitschuh - Hacking for Defects
3. Lina Anderson - Effect of Sequencing Errors on Gene Prediction
Professional Ethics 1. Chapter 9 - Professional Ethics
2. Paper 6: Game
11 AM Section
1. Philipp Baumann - Issues of Network Security Research
2. Robert Mckenna - Releasing Broken Software
3. Joey Perez - Media Publicity and The Practice of Computing
3 PM Section
1. Thomas Meehan - To Develop Beyond Human Capability AI
2. Anthony Gallo - In Game Purchases Cons
3. Jeffrey Chaves - Chelsea (Bradley) Manning Case Study
4. Justin Charron - Professional Ethics of Building Virtual Reality Systems
Thursday Schedule - NO CLASS
Group Project web site progress through topics covered in class to date.
Work 1. Chapter 10 - Work and Wealth
2. Group Presentation Draft
11 AM Section
1. Breanne Happell - History and Current Status of Women in Computing
2. Josh Audibert - The Automated Worker
3. Etienne Scraire - Positive Network Monitoring
3 PM Section
1. Lindsay O'Donnell - Decline of Women in Computing
2. Lucas Lebrao - Net Neutrality
3. Chris Knapp - Software Development as Service Not Product
4. Yael Rosenblum - Robotic Warehouses
Group Presentations
11 AM Section
1. Augmented Reality
- Arthur Lockman, Ethan Prihar, Phil Baumann, Robert McKenna
2. Self Driving Cars
- Josh Audibert, Nick Chaput, Will Wen, Paul Roberts
3. Robotic Prosthetics and Augmentations
- Dimitar Vouldjeff, Joseph Perez, Will Spurgeon, Xia Li

3 PM Section
1. Big Hero 6 (2014) (KAP, Andy watched)
- Connor Porell, Lindsay O'Donnell, Meagan Hiatt, Joshua Morse, Yifan Zhao
2. The Imitation Game (2015) (KAP, Andy Watched)
- Joshua Hebert, Samuel Mailand, Yael Rosenblum, Thomas Grimshaw, Jonathan Leitschuh
3. Elysium (2013) (KAP, Andy watched)
- Sam La, Eric Faust, Arlina Anderson, Sean MacEachern
Group Presentations
11 AM Section
1. Wearable Computing
- Jun Liang, Etienne Scraire, Helei Duan, Fangming Ning
2. Telepresence Robots
- Breanne Happell, Ayesha Fathima, Saraf Rahman, Yan Yan
3. Assistive Robotics
- Peerapat Luxsuwong, Hai Nguyen, Robert Edwards, Michael Andrews
3 PM Section
1. Alien (1979) (KAP, Andy watched)
- Christopher Hanna, Lucas Lebrao, Christopher Knapp, Kerrin Spinney, Connor Flanigan
2. Jurassic Park (1993) (KAP, Andy watched)
- Justin Charron, Thomas Meehan, Jack Rivadeneira
3. Moneyball (2011) (KAP, Andy watched)
- Jeffrey Chaves, Anthony Gallo, Kevin Martin, Anthony Romeo, Matthew Beardsley
Student Topic Choice
- Rain Date: IP Guest Speaker
- Rain Date: Errors, Failures, Risks Guest Speaker
Group Evaluations
Optional Paper:
11 AM Section
1. Ayesha Fathima - Military Robots
2. Xia Li - Social Network Censorship in China
3. Helei Duan - Hacktivists
4. Nick Chaput -
3 PM Section
1. Sean MacEachern - Social Media and Workplace Productivity
2. Eric Faust - Embedded System Security
3. Connor Flanigan - 3D Printing and IP Law
4. Kevin Martin - Video Game Violence

The Syllabus will change throughout the course as new interests are found and as material is covered ahead or behind schedule. Changes will be made in class and recorded in the class slides. You will be responsible for the material in the assigned reading.

If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you have medical information to share with me, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible.

If you have not already done so, students with disabilities, who believe that they may need accommodations in this class, are encouraged to contact the Disability Services Office (DSO), as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. The DSO is located in the Student Development and Counseling Center, (508) 831-4908.

Located on the first floor of Daniels Hall (room 116), the Writing Center is a valuable resource for helping you improve as a writer. Writing Center tutors are your peers (other undergraduate and graduate students at WPI) who are experienced writers themselves and who enjoy helping others work through thinking and writing problems. Although a single tutoring session should never be seen as a quick fix for any writing difficulty, these sessions can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and teach you strategies for organizing, revising, and editing your course papers, projects, and presentations. Writing Center services are free and open to all WPI students in all classes, and tutors will happily work with you at any stage of the writing process (early brainstorming, revising a draft, polishing sentences in a final draft). Visit the Writing Center website wpi.edu/+writing to make an appointment.

Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: May 4, 2015 11:20 PM
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