Course Description

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From The WPI 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

This course makes the student aware of the social, moral, ethical, and philosophical impact of computers and computer-based systems on society, both now and in the future. Topics include major computer-based applications and their impact, human machine relationships, and the major problems of controlling the use of computers. This course is recommended for juniors and seniors.

Recommended Background: a general knowledge of computers and computer systems.

Distribution Requirements: Social Implications of Computing

  • CS 3043 - Social Implications of Information Processing - 1/3
  • GOV 2314/ID 2314 - Cyberlaw and Policy - 1/3
  • GOV 2315 - Privacy: Laws, Policy, Technology, and How They Fit Together - 1/3
  • IMGD 2000 - Social Issues in Interactive Media and Games - 1/3
  • IMGD 2001 - Philosophy and Ethics of Computer Games - 1/3
  • RBE 3100 - Social Implications of Robotics - 1/3

Minimum Units - 1/3

If GOV/ID 2314, GOV/ID 2315, IMGD 2000, IMGD 2001 or RBE 3100 is used to satisfy this requirement, it does not count as part of the 6 units of CS.

Please also note:

In this offering of CS 3043 students will be expected to contribute to classroom discussions and to complete a number of significant writing assignments.

There are several courses that can count towards your degree in the Social Implications of Computing bin as noted above.


Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: March 14, 2025 9:54 AM
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